Ornamental oshe axe

This oshe axe was recorded as having been found in a store on 13/12/95. Oshe is associated with the Orisha of thunder and lightning, Shango, and are seen to represent swift and balanced justice.
There are a small number of axes in the collection and this one is particualarly intriguing. Detailed conservation notes have been incredibly helpful with material composition.
Although orishas are part of traditional Yoruba theology, axes were used in ceremonies throughout African religions. As part of my research, I also discovered notes on a 'Luguru axe' from Tanzania, East Africa in the collection. This reserach from James L. Bain[1], adds rich social context to this type of axe.
The top of the handle is more ornamentally carved but the patterns are abstract. Might these be symbols and if so, what do they mean?
[1] 'Basic Concepts of Life Accoring to the Luguru People of Eastern Tanzania' James L. Brain, State University College, New Paltz, NY, USA
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A drinking gourd from Malwai, brought via the Mission to Central Africa organisation.